These bars substitute well for granola bars, nut bars, protein bars or fat bombs. They contain ingredients that provide healthy fat and protein without causing issues with blood sugar (provided you choose your sweetener wisely)! There are two methods below: one with chunky whole nuts, the other uses a nut butter. There are more detailed […]
Redesigning the Smoothie
I don’t like to eat smoothies all the time – they come and go from my diet. I like to use them as an opportunity to get something specific into my diet (like more resistant starch, antioxidant berries or gelatin for gut-healing), or as a meal replacement that cuts down on the overall calories I’m […]
Fighting Fatigue With Food
The face of fatigue The 7 am alarm rings and you just can’t face getting out of bed – even though you went to bed at 10 pm! After a half-hour of self-negotiation, you force yourself up and into your morning routine feeling sluggish and wishing you could have slept longer. A quick coffee starts […]
Healing Digestion
How can I improve my digestion and gut health? If you suspect that you have poor gut health, there are ways to naturally heal, starting by managing our stress and reconsidering what we eat. Many of the same foods that we use to fight fatigue are also the same foods implicated in creating gut dysbiosis. […]